Lifescapes - Preserving the Future by Saving the Past


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> Personal and Family Histories

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Personal and Family Histories

A couple of generations ago we lived relatively close to one another, and visits were common. When families gathered, stories were told, and retold over and over. Some of these stories have survived, but technology and the ability to move and travel freely to far off destinations has deprived most of us the closeness that once was the norm. Our collective sense of the past has dimmed despite attempts through schools and other public institutions to preserve our heritage and pass it to new generations.

Interest in the collection and preservation of individual and family history in its many forms has increased dramatically in recent years. The tragic events of September 11, 2001 reminded us how fragile, fleeting, and important our time with our families and loved ones is as well as a stark reminder of how quickly things can change. More people than ever are writing and preserving their memories in traditional forms such as photography, tape recordings, scrapbooks, collections of family stories, and published books. In recent years, growing numbers are exploring new technologies-from digital cameras and personal computers to color copies and short-run printing-both to enhance traditional story preservation methods and to develop new ones.

As people seek to preserve small or large segments of their own history, they face a daunting array of possibilities, and most don't know where to begin. When assisted by trained and dedicated personal historians, they discover ways to tell and save their own stories effectively. Moreover, they find that with appropriate technology and expertise, they can pay for and receive high-quality professional results.

Lifescapes® has developed methods designed to assist individuals, families, organizations, and institutions in preserving their stories and memories for the future. We work with you, the client, as part of a team to find, record, preserve, and display your stories attractively, economically, and professionally. We offer a wide range of products and services to fit every budgetary need.

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